Discover Languages … Discover the World!

The post secondary experience can be greatly enhanced by study abroad and travel abroad programmes when you have multilingual skills. Developing proficiency in other languages broadens career options whilst knowledge and skills in languages and cultures will contribute to the cultural and linguistic richness of our society.

Why study a language?

  • You live in a globally oriented and highly interconnected world
  • You live in a world that is technology and information rich, characterised by increasing linguistic and cultural diversity
  • You live in a world less bound by time and location You increase your personal and social capacities in other countries
  • Languages enable you to engage and interact with the world

Benefits of learning languages

  • Communicative benefit
  • Intercultural benefit
  • Linguistic benefit
  • Interact successfully with others
  • Respond creatively to change and emerging global possibilities

Apply today for one of our degree or certificate programmes and expand your language skills.